PROFERO Hematinic Multi-Vitamins
PROFERO Hematinic Multi-Vitamins
PROFERO Hematinic Multi-Vitamins
PROFERO Hematinic Multi-Vitamins
Achieve It With Single Shot
Achieve It With Single Shot
Improves the general body resistance by the R.D.A of Minerals & Vitamins
For healthy skin, Thickness of nails & excellent supplement to control hair loss.
Excellent source of Minerals & Vitamins for Lactating & Pregnant woman.
Provides the body with potent antioxidant to fight harmful effects of free radicals.
Chewable & Palatable taste without any G.I.T Disturbances.
Anemia & Iron deficiency
Malnutrition, Minerals & Vitamins deficiency.
Skin Vitality, Hair Thinning & Nails Brittleness.
Pregnant, Lactating Woman, Post Menstruation & Post Menopause.
During Diet Courses & Adolescence Period.
Chews one tablet after meal once daily.